Type 2 Diabetes
By Isabelle Z.
Turmeric is an ideal drug alternative for treating Type 2 diabetes – research journal
If you’re diabetic, you’ve probably had it hammered into your head already that you need to eat a low-glycemic diet and exercise regularly, but there is one very powerful tool that can help you in this fight that doesn’t get nearly as much attention: turmeric. This root, which comes from the same plant family as […]
By Janine Acero
Which fruits are safe to eat if you’re diabetic?
It’s common knowledge that fruits (and vegetables) promote overall health. However, for certain people, such as those with Type 2 diabetes, some of these foods may aggravate their condition. It is important to choose which ones can give them the proper nutrition without worrying about raising their blood sugar levels too much. One study involving over 45,000 […]
By Ralph Flores
Best weight-loss plan for diabetics: A huge breakfast but smaller lunch and dinner
People who are obese, as well as those who have Type 2 diabetes or regularly take insulin, would do well to take a high-energy breakfast to lose weight. Based on the finding, researchers from Israel also suggested scaling back during lunch and dinner to achieve a better effect. The findings were presented at the ENDO […]
By Michelle Simmons
Eating nuts and seeds found to cut your risk of premature death by HALF
If you want to live longer, eat more nuts and seeds. According to a study, eating these foods rich in omega-6 fatty acids, cuts the risk of premature death by nearly half. The study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that levels of the fatty acid omega-6, which can be found in […]
By Jessica Dolores
South Asians living in the U.S. are consuming less beneficial nutrients; that’s why more of them are developing Type 2 diabetes
Your environment defines you. People absorb the habits and ways of the place they’re living in. That’s what a new UT Southwestern study proved once more when researchers from the premier academic medical center’s Human Nutrition team studied 77 U.S. South Asians — 44 with diabetes and 33 without — on their dietary choices. The […]
By Michelle Simmons
An apple a day can help prevent diabetes
An apple a day really keeps the doctor away. New health guidelines suggested that eating apple a day could help prevent diabetes. Other foods and drinks, such as yogurt, cheese, and regular cups of tea or coffee, are also being recommended in new health guidelines designed to prevent diabetes. A team of researchers from Oxford […]
By Michelle Simmons
Diabetes prevention study: Fiber helps reduce blood sugar, improve gut bacteria
Fiber helps lower blood sugar levels and improve gut bacteria, according to a study published in the journal Science. The study, led by researchers at Rutgers University, New Brunswick (RUNB), found that people with Type 2 diabetes who followed a diet rich in fibers had a greater reduction in blood sugar levels. In the study, […]
By Janine Acero
Scientists study how proteins affect the quality, flavor and bubbles of beer
People have been brewing beer for thousands of years, but few studies have explored the science behind the process of making one of the most popular alcoholic beverages of all time. A study published in the Journal of Proteome Research did just that – in particular, focusing on the role of proteins in making better, tastier beer. […]
By Ralph Flores
Fiber found to be an underutilized treatment for type-2 diabetes
Getting more fiber into your diet isn’t just good for digestion. According to a study, it could also reduce symptoms of diabetes and help with weight loss. The study, published in the journal Science, revealed that dietary fiber could “rebalance” the gut microbiota, encouraging the development of specific types of gut bacteria that improve blood glucose […]
By Ralph Flores
Wild blueberry juice provides cardioprotective effects for people at risk for type-2 diabetes
Blueberries aren’t just for sweet cheesecakes; it can also protect the heart of people who may have had too much of it. A study published in BMC Nutrition revealed that wild blueberry juice has cardioprotective effects which can improve the condition of people with type-2 diabetes. The study, led by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and researchers […]
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