soil health
By David Williams
New soil science study shows how plants release specific metabolites that enrich productivity
It’s well-understood that most plants rely heavily on the condition of the soil on which they are planted, and that the microbes that are present in the soil itself affect the overall health of the plant as it grows. Now a new study performed by scientists from the Department of Energy‘s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory […]
By David Williams
High-tech farm is using machines to re-establish old school microbiology for sustainable farming
What do you think farms of the future will look like? Will they use soil in the same way that it’s used now? Could they be operated completely by robots, with no humans ever stepping foot on them at all? Whatever they end up looking, they had better be capable of meeting the demands of […]
By Ralph Flores
Cover crops offset nutrient loss from crop residue removal
The use of cover crops could attenuate the effects of crop residue removal in the soil, according to a study published in Agronomy Journal. In the study, researchers conducted a comprehensive review of how cover crops affect the soil following crop residue removal. The practice of crop residue removal is common, especially for livestock or biofuel […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Natural, inexpensive AND more effective: Phosphate rock confirmed to be an effective fertilizer for acidic soils
In western Kenya, the main economic activity is farming. This has, however, become increasingly difficult an endeavor in recent years due to deplorable soil conditions and pricey traditional fertilizers. Triple superphosphate (TSP), one of the most popular and widely used fertilizers, has to be imported from Moroccan mines, making it far too expensive for west […]
By Zoey Sky
Recovering ecosystems: How no-till farming is catching on in small farming communities across the plains
According to an article From Civil Eats, no-till farming can help revive struggling ecosystems. Jimmy Emmons, a seasoned farmer from Oklahoma, talked to other farmers at the 22nd annual No-till on the Plains conference about the no-till farming method and how it can rebuild an ecosystem. In a separate talk, “controversial grazing guru” Allan Savory discussed the large quantity of […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Food crops produce more output when they have healthy soil microbes, research confirms… yet glyphosate kills soil life
In an attempt to tease out the nature vs. nurture conundrum in the development of plants, a team of researchers from the University of Queensland analyzed scores of plant genera along the Cooloola dunes from the Great Sandy National Park on Australia’s Sunshine Coast. It was determined that the presence and level of soil microorganisms […]
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