By Vicki Batts
An appeals court says CA can list the herbicide glyphosate as a carcinogen
After much fanfare, a state appeals court has ruled that California can list glyphosate as a carcinogen — and that the state’s ban on discharging the herbicide into public waterways stands, too. Despite Monsanto’s best efforts to keep the toxicity of their product under wraps, the ruling in California is undoubtedly a small victory for […]
By Tracey Watson
Environmentalists take EPA to court to reverse its approval of Dow Chemical’s toxic “Enlist Duo” pesticide
The stated mission of the US. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is to protect both human health and the environment, ensuring that Americans have access to clean land, air and water. They also promise to review all chemicals in the marketplace for safety. More often than not, though, they have failed to uphold these lofty ideals. […]
By David Williams
New soil science study shows how plants release specific metabolites that enrich productivity
It’s well-understood that most plants rely heavily on the condition of the soil on which they are planted, and that the microbes that are present in the soil itself affect the overall health of the plant as it grows. Now a new study performed by scientists from the Department of Energy‘s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory […]
By Tracey Watson
A new, supposedly “bee-friendly” pesticide found to impair taste, learning, memory of the critically necessary insects
Honeybees are in trouble – BIG trouble. Bee populations have been dwindling all around the globe at an alarming rate in recent years, and some species have even made it on to the endangered list. Scientists have been scrambling to find out what is causing this alarming trend, but Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, and […]
By David Williams
Robot with advanced cyber-hand put to work harvesting cauliflower for the EU
Robots can do a lot to help out in performing tedious and labor-intensive tasks. And while certain actions, such as harvesting a cauliflower, may seem simple enough, the fact is that it can be quite taxing after a while. After all, there are many different variables that need to be considered to get it right. […]
By Jessica Dolores
Yummier and juicier: Using natural fertilizers increases fruit yield and size
Do you want your farm or garden-grown fruits to become yummier and juicier? Use organic fertilizer, not chemical-based ones. A field experiment in a south farm in Vanavarayar Institute of Agriculture, Manakkadavu, Pollachi, Tamil Nadu in India showed that using acid lime as fertilizer resulted in the highest harvest of fruits per tree. Panchakavya, an […]
By Michelle Simmons
Edamame farmers are using rye as a cover crop to reduce the use of herbicides
Farmers continue to search for alternatives to herbicides to control weeds due to the increase of herbicide-resistant weeds in most grain and vegetable crops. Fortunately, edamame farmers have found a way to reduce the use of herbicides by using rye as a cover crop, according to a study published in the journal Weed Science. The […]
By Ralph Flores
What is the right amount of nitrogen in agriculture? Not enough contributes to hunger, too much damages the environment
Nitrogen is essential in crop production, but it comes with a caveat: Use too much of it, and you risk polluting the environment; use too little, and you risk limiting your crop yield. This was also the focus of an article that appeared in the journal Nutrient Cycling in Agrosystems. The paper, led by researchers from […]
By Ralph Flores
Sustainable and easy to grow, jack fruit can help provide food independence to poor cultures
The jackfruit is in the middle of a renaissance. In recent years, it’s been hailed as one of the hottest food trends, it’s currently a wildly popular meat substitute, and in the future, it may very well be the answer to the looming food security crisis. While no one really knows where the jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) […]
By Tracey Watson
Working with nature to reduce pesticide use: Farmers around the world are rediscovering the increased yields offered by biodiversity
The face of agriculture has changed dramatically over the past century. Instead of working with what nature has provided, encouraging biodiversity and companion planting to ward off pests, farmers have been encouraged to use chemical fertilizers and pesticides, with disastrous results. Despite being promised greater crop protection and increased yields, the results have been low-yielding […]
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