By Edsel Cook
The politics surrounding GMOs: Bureaucrats don’t care about the environment and are more interested in money
By and large, government bureaucrats in America and Europe don’t care two sticks about the environment or public health. They only care about the profits promised by big businesses that are using GMOs to take over the world’s food supplies, an article in GreenMedInfo stated. It started in the U.S. in the 90s. The executives […]
By Ralph Flores
Food waste being recycled to become consumer products
Food waste is turning out to be a problem of global proportions. According to data from the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), more than one-third of food that has been produced worldwide gets lost or discarded at some point in the food supply chain. This doesn’t just waste natural and financial resources put into […]
By Edsel Cook
Rebuilding the Amazon forest with chocolate: How cocoa could be the key to making South America green again
For decades, Brazilian ranchers have been part of the wide-scale destruction of the Amazon rainforest. Now, they – and chocolate – could be the keys to make South America green again. According to a Reuters report, many ranchers are planting cocoa trees with the support of environmentalists who believe cocoa plantations can serve as new forests. […]
By Tracey Watson
A new, supposedly “bee-friendly” pesticide found to impair taste, learning, memory of the critically necessary insects
Honeybees are in trouble – BIG trouble. Bee populations have been dwindling all around the globe at an alarming rate in recent years, and some species have even made it on to the endangered list. Scientists have been scrambling to find out what is causing this alarming trend, but Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, and […]
By Michelle Simmons
Stretching your grocery budget AND helping the environment: Tips for reducing food waste at home
Save your money and the earth by switching to plant-based diets. A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) suggested that hundreds of millions more people could eat from the same sources if animal-based diets were replaced with plant-based diets. Globally, nearly a third of food produced for humans to […]
By David Williams
Tap water in Illinois is polluted with high levels of nitrate from the GMO corn belt
Nitrates are known to be quite dangerous to humans as they can serve as the catalyst for many types of serious diseases. Now, a new report on the northwest Illinois corn belt suggests that nitrate pollution could put the lives of thousands of residents at risk, and worse, introduce several long-term negative consequences. Based on […]
By Edsel Cook
Politicians join with conservation groups in calling on the EPA to ban bee-killing pesticides until a full scientific review is conducted
State politicians and conservation groups urged the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to hold off approval of bee-killing neonics in order to conduct a full scientific review of the pesticides involved, reported an EcoWatch article. Congressmen Earl Blumenauer and Jim McGovern recently reintroduced the Saving America’s Pollinators Act, a bill that blocks new neonicotinoid insecticides while the EPA is […]
By Isabelle Z.
EPA, Monsanto face lawsuit over pesticide drift that damaged millions of acres and threatened endangered species
If a farmer wants to grow organic crops, he or she can simply elect not to use pesticides and everything should be fine, right? Unfortunately, the situation is not as straightforward as it seems as pesticide drift is thwarting well-meaning farmers’ efforts and rendering their crops entirely unusable. It’s also destroying traditional crops that were […]
By Edsel Cook
Food waste is costing us all: The environmental and financial cost of spoiled food
You wouldn’t suspect bananas, apples, tomatoes, salad, sweet peppers, pears and grapes to be the primary culprits of a costly crime. Yet according to an AlphaGalileo article, a Swedish research team identified those aforementioned fresh produce to comprise nearly half of the food that goes to waste on the shelves of retail stores. Researchers from […]
By Earl Garcia
Green leafy vegetables irrigated with wastewater may contain high levels of toxic heavy metals
A study published in the IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology showed that irrigating agricultural fields and green leafy vegetables with wastewater may result in potentially hazardous buildup of heavy metals including copper (Cu), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn), as well as nickel (Ni), chromium (Cr) and cadmium (Cd). “On the survey of study […]
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