body mass index
By Jessica Dolores
Eat a big lunch but small dinner to lose weight faster and not feel cranky
A lot of things have been said about weight loss. But not many have linked it to the amount of food taken in during lunch and dinner. A recent study has shed light on the relationship of food intake during lunch and dinner. The findings of this study could help people who want to lose weight. Researchers […]
By Jessica Dolores
A third of cancer cases are related to obesity and dietary choices
For many, cancer is a scary word associated with complex causes like genetics, exposure to radiation and harmful chemicals, among others. But food and nutrition practitioners, along with other health professionals say that a third of cancer cases are linked to obesity and dietary choices. In a report published in the Journal of the Academy […]
By Ralph Flores
Consuming walnuts as a weight reduction measure: How it affects weight, satiety, blood pressure, cholesterol
Supplementing a reduced-energy diet with walnuts can provide results similar to conditions under a weight loss intervention. The results of this study, led by researchers from the University of California, La Jolla, looked at how adding walnuts to a diet can affect weight, risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD), and satiety. For the study, the research team randomly […]
By Jessica Dolores
Encapsulated fruit and vegetable juices found to improve inflammation, blood lipids, weight in the obese
A study by researchers at the University of Newcastle in Australia showed that encapsulated fruit and vegetable juice concentrate could affect the risk factors for chronic disease among overweight and obese adults. The results of the study, published in the Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism, were the result of a double-blinded, parallel, randomized, placebo-controlled trial in older adults. For the […]
By Jessica Dolores
Obesity-induced systemic inflammation lowered by intake of encapsulated fruit and vegetable juice concentrate
Can encapsulated fruit and vegetable juice concentrate affect the occurrence of risk factors for chronic disease among overweight and obese adults? A study led by scientists from the University of Newcastle in Australia, which appeared in the Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism, showed that it does. The double-blinded, parallel, randomized, placebo-controlled study on 56 adults aged 40 years […]
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