By Lance D Johnson
American food corporations that intentionally poison the American food supply should be prosecuted, say food safety experts
A coalition of activists, doctors and thought leaders gathered at a Senate Roundtable in Washington DC recently to discuss how ingredients in the food supply are impacting the health of Americans. They spoke to congressional leadership about the abysmal state of American health, and went in depth about the cancer-causing chemicals in agriculture, the poisons […]
By Ethan Huff
Check out these 7 food additives that are BANNED in Europe but commonly used in the U.S.
Americans with health issues like gluten intolerance often notice that their symptoms go away when they visit Europe. The reason is that the American food supply is tainted with all sorts of toxic food additives that are banned in other countries. One such additive is 1) titanium dioxide, a whitening agent often added to American […]
By Cassie B.
Chemicals in food promote obesity, disrupt hormones
As obesity numbers continue to break records in the U.S. and many places throughout the world, health-conscious individuals are increasingly looking to their diet to try to maintain a healthy weight. Most of these people look out for ingredients like high-fructose corn syrup and trans fats – and rightfully so, as regular consumption of such […]
By Cassie B.
Food preserving chemicals linked to hormone disruption and obesity, according to new study
Most people are aware that the chemicals found in food preservatives are rather unhealthy. Even those who continue to eat such foods generally realize on some level that they are not doing their bodies any favors. However, a new study shows that such chemicals are not just toxic; they could also be the reason people […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Food preservatives and chemical additives found to promote obesity… is this why America is so overweight?
While canned goods and chips may not be healthiest foods in the world, new research has revealed that they’re even worse than originally thought. The preservatives and chemical additives that help these foods maintain their freshness may actually disrupt metabolism and lead to obesity. That’s what investigators from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, Calif., […]
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