News & Articles By Jessica Dolores
By Jessica Dolores
Widespread folate deficiency in women of childbearing age fuels efforts toward mandatory fortification of flour with the vitamin
Pregnancy is a great time to be alive: A woman is nurturing life in her womb, and the unborn baby’s well-being totally depends on her. However, the U.K.’s National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) found that more than 90 percent of the women of childbearing age lack folate, a requirement for preventing birth defects and […]
By Jessica Dolores
Want stronger muscles? You need to exercise AND follow a reduced-calorie diet
Regular trips to the gym are not enough if you want to have those rippling muscles that make you the envy of those who want to look fit. You have to think beyond exercise and work on a healthy diet as well. This is the finding of a recent research on muscle performance in three […]
By Jessica Dolores
Prevent vision loss by protecting your heart with a healthy diet
Losing one’s eyesight and knowing that the damage is reversible is one thing. Losing one’s vision and learning that it will never come back is more devastating. The second scenario affects more than 10 million Americans living in the U.S. The number is expected to balloon to almost 22 million by 2050. The figures are […]
By Jessica Dolores
A third of cancer cases are related to obesity and dietary choices
For many, cancer is a scary word associated with complex causes like genetics, exposure to radiation and harmful chemicals, among others. But food and nutrition practitioners, along with other health professionals say that a third of cancer cases are linked to obesity and dietary choices. In a report published in the Journal of the Academy […]
By Jessica Dolores
California is worried about coffee – and browned foods – as new law requires cancer warnings based on “murky” science
Californians may soon be seeing a cancer warning on their coffee cup whenever they order the brew. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Elihu Berle has just proposed that coffee should come with a warning about the popular drink’s supposed “dangers to health“. The proposed ruling zeroes in on the carcinogen acrylamide, which is found in […]
By Jessica Dolores
NOT created equally: Composition of sugar used in soft drinks varies around the globe
You may have wined and dined in restaurants around the world, but have you thought anything about the sodas you drink in-between stops on your global itinerary? But did you know that even if you drink the same brand of soda in California and Australia, there’s bound to be some differences in content? That’s because not all […]
By Jessica Dolores
Why you need to “rough up” your diet with fiber
Have you taken your fiber today? Fiber or roughage is the non-digestible part of plant foods that travels along our digestive system, absorbing water along the way, and helping us move our bowels more easily. In our diet, fiber refers to nutrients that are not digested by gastrointestinal enzymes but still play an important role […]
By Jessica Dolores
Cure your depression by making these simple dietary changes
The sun is out. The birds are singing. The flowers are blooming. So you can’t explain why you’re feeling low. Something just isn’t right. It could be the food you’re eating. May Simpkin, a leading nutritionist in the United Kingdom, says people who consume a lot of processed foods and sugar are more prone to […]
By Jessica Dolores
South Asians living in the U.S. are consuming less beneficial nutrients; that’s why more of them are developing Type 2 diabetes
Your environment defines you. People absorb the habits and ways of the place they’re living in. That’s what a new UT Southwestern study proved once more when researchers from the premier academic medical center’s Human Nutrition team studied 77 U.S. South Asians — 44 with diabetes and 33 without — on their dietary choices. The […]
By Jessica Dolores
Two sodas a day DOUBLE the risk of heart disease, study warns
The sun is bearing down on you so strongly on a hot summer day that you just have to quench your thirst. You’ve been running around that oval track for so long you can’t wait to reach out for something to drink. But let that drink be filtered water, and other healthier alternatives, not soda. Scientists […]
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