News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Bombshell: Can vaccine NERVE DAMAGE be REVERSED with this home-grown molecule called sulforaphane?
A molecule found in home-grown sprouts is documented to activate nervous system stem cells to regrow nerve tissue and repair damaged nerves and brains. This molecule is created automatically, at zero cost, when broccoli sprouts are sprouted using something as simple as a mason jar and a sprouting lid. The molecule is called sulforaphane, and […]
By Mike Adams
FOOD and MEDICINE update from the Health Ranger Ranch: Growing MONSTER lettuce without electricity, harvesting pine needles for shikimic acid
An update from the Health Ranger Ranch on Sunday, Jan 16th, 2022: The suspended net pot non-circulating hydroponic systems are producing amazing, astonishing results. We’ve been growing all sorts of crops, both in artificial light (LED grow lights) as well as natural sunlight. The result is monster lettuce, kale, etc., producing food with almost zero […]
By Mike Adams
No Fertilizer, No Food: Global shutdown of fossil fuels the quickest way to STARVATION HELL – basic chemistry lesson for ignorant Leftists
Engineered food scarcity is a weapon that’s designed to achieve depopulation across the globe by creating famine, starvation and social unrest. The quickest way to achieve global famine is to cut off the fertilizer supply. No fertilizer = no food. And the quickest way to shut down fertilizer production is to choke off fossil fuels. […]
By Mike Adams
SABOTAGE SUSPECTED: Global fertilizer production plants halted, delivery trains crashing, operations compromised, all leading to FOOD CROP FAILURES in 2022
We now know that the globalist genocidal war against humanity is a multi-vectored assault on every system that sustains human life: Biology, energy, economics, freedom, self-ownership of your body and so on. Now, we have new information that reveals the food scarcity attack vector is targeting the fertilizer supply chain in order to unleash massive […]
By Mike Adams
“Non-GMO” foods being grown in HUMAN SEWAGE SLUDGE and sprayed with glyphosate and pesticides
As the Food Babe has correctly pointed out, foods labeled “Non-GMO” are still grown in human sewage sludge and sprayed with glyphosate and pesticides. With 20 U.S. states now legalizing the dissolving of dead human bodies and flushing them into municipal sewer systems — the “human flesh goo” phenomenon — it is now a fact […]
By Mike Adams
FARMAGEDDON: Microchip supply line collapse hits TRACTORS and farm equipment
Just in case you didn’t realize the food supply problem could get any worse, major tractor / agriculture manufacturers are now unable to deliver new equipment to retailers because of the shortage of microchips. Much like modern cars and trucks, today’s tractors, combines and other agricultural equipment use microchips and software to control everything from […]
By Mike Adams
The ten most toxic ingredients commonly found in popular storable food / emergency food products
People are buying storable food products in huge quantities right now, but have you actually read the ingredients in some of these foods? Most storable food manufacturers hide their ingredients to try to prevent the public from seeing what they really contain. That’s no surprise, since most of them are made with genetically modified corn, […]
By Mike Adams
Vitamin D identified as the “survival nutrient” against covid-19… could cut mortality rate in HALF, say researchers
For three months, we’ve been urging our readers to pursue sensible nutritional strategies to boost immune function and protect against infections. Now a study carried out by Northwestern University has found that higher vitamin D levels result in lower mortality rates from covid-19 infections. Vitamin D deficiency, according to the study, was significantly linked to […]
By Mike Adams
Spirulina found to boost the body’s type 1 interferon response to fight RNA viral infections “including coronavirus,” new science finds
A new study published in Progress in Cardiovascular Disease on February 12 of this year reveals that spirulina may have tremendous potential to boost the body’s type 1 interferon response in fighting RNA viral infections. While no substance has yet been proven to treat or prevent coronavirus infections, many new candidates are emerging from the […]
By Mike Adams
Learn how to regenerate and repair your liver in upcoming “Fatty Liver Docu-Class” that begins Feb. 25th – register here
An upcoming docu-class produced by Global Health Solutions features a truly extraordinary collection of doctors, naturopaths and natural health experts (most of whom were interviewed in-studio) to produce the most comprehensive series of interviews ever offered on the subject of liver health. Given that we are now living in a world of super high concentrations […]
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